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Custom Face Masks

As the COVID-19 pandemic calmed down due to the quarantine period, we were making efforts to provide excellent custom t-shirt designs by giving customers the opportunity to submit their own designs. Things were slow, and we did not know what would come of our business.

As the virus began to spread in June 2020, we saw the great need for face masks and face covering. Face Masks were a big need when we saw the news channel talking about a great shortage of masks. We decided to get into the business of making face masks for all who need them.

At first, my wife got involved in the selling of 30 face masks with my sister. I did not think anything of it. But then as the pandemic spread, we saw a big opportunity to earn some income while also providing excellent service to our community. We entered the business of custom face masks. We did not just make face masks though, we also provided the opportunity to put logos or designs on them. We wanted to provide something unique and personal to every client we served. They were very happy and proud of their masks ordered through our website

When we looked through Amazon and many other sites, we noticed the exploitation that was happening. People were being charged outrageous prices for masks. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in such a disastrous event we were living in. We decided to make a better effort to bring good quality face masks while selling them at very low prices. Our clients were very happy with our service and face masks.

As mentioned earlier, my wife got involved in the selling of 30 face masks with my sister. I did not think anything of it. But as the pandemic grew, and mandates were made nationwide to wear face masks, this was an opportunity for us to survive through this though summer. We began making face masks, with the support of my mother and sister. I began to work hard on the website and also, promote face masks through the custom t-shirt design website.

It was an amazing experience. Currently, as we sell a small number of t-shirts at, we are surviving this summer thanks to our wonderful clientele who supported us by buying face masks from us and ordering logos on the masks. 

We are making ends meet thanks to our business making face masks. We are thankful to God and to all our friends and family for this. My father has been of great help in my learning how to build a website and how to market an online business. My mother has provided support in the making of face masks. My wife has been great as she is currently helping me make face masks for a new client with a big opportunity to come.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. We have been able to make something positive out of the situation the world is experiencing. We have learned so much this year.

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